Spinnerette.Anagram Challenge: 07.25.24

+2.15 CHG x 2 companies


Spinnerette Deciphered:


Merrily, this week’s Spinnerette.Anagram created an analogy.

Saute´ is a cooking term derived from the French word sauter which means “to jump”. It is a high-heat cooking technique that causes ingredients to Jump and Sizzle when it hits the pan.

For Fun, I selected this Spinnerette.Anagram to reveal the blueprint to toy with words when observing the Stock Market. As stated above, to Saute´ means to sizzle. Assuredly, those following the Stock Market have recognized its daily jumping and sizzling over the past several years. Anyone following my word game challenge can spot the whirling and twirling of the words along with the visual vignettes I create to illustrate their conversation. Surprisingly, wallstreetspiders.net has given me a look at the past, present and the cusp of the future by following our Global Economy thanks to the prestigious Wall Street Journal. My wish is that others can find my CHG- MTCH search as rewarding as I do or through my weekly Spinnerette.Anagram Visual Narrative, the potential spectator can learn something unique that fosters the desire to discover brand-new knowledge.

Paralleling the above about Sauteíng guided me toward a peek into the Restaurant Industry. The Restaurant Industry is an old resilient one that dates back to Ancient civilization as early as 500 BC. The oldest operating restaurant in the world is Restaurante Botin in Madrid, Spain established in 1725. In America the oldest operating restaurant hails from Newport, RI recognized as The White Horse Tavern that has been serving guests since 1673. I found two accounts online about the oldest operating restaurant in America, the other continuously-operating restaurant is The Union Oyster House in Boston, MA since 1826. Both state that they are the oldest; the difference may lie in the term “continuously-operating” so I included both of them because after all they are both old and they are still serving guests.

It’s important to mention some of the top restaurants trading on the exchange. They are: Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG), Darden Restaurants (DRI), McDonald’s Corporation (MCD Yum Brands (YUM) and Wingstop (WING) to name a few. Regrettably, some well-known restaurants had to file for bankruptcy this year among them were Red Lobster, Tijuana Flats, Rubio’s and approx. 7 others with more on the docket to follow in the coming year. While we entered the Covid-19 Pandemic period that resulted to public isolation, many in the restaurant industry struggled to survive. During that unexpected historic period, people changed their eating habits toward dining out. Later, as restaurants slowly began to recuperate they faced a post-pandemic crisis of rising labor costs and inflation. Thus, ushering in the unfortunate demise of restructuring their business or worse closing their doors to the public. Hopefully, as Inflation begins to improve the Restaurant Industry will prosper again. Remember - there is always Take-Out!

Stock Market Weaver:

On 07.25.24 the DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average) was up 81.20. As of today, 11.10.24, the DJIA was sizzling at 1936.80. It was quite the jump!

Over the years, I have chosen to develop a better understanding of our global economy through the daily top 1,000 Stock Listing in the WSJ. On a regular basis, I have learned that the Market displays ups and downs that indicate one can never be too sure. For certain, Saute´ investing could be deliciously profitable, but I recommend studying your choices carefully before jumping in, you might just end up sizzled.

The companies that created Today’s Spinnerette.Anagram are:

MUSA is Murphy USA Inc. a chain of retail gas stations that trades on the NYSE. The company was founded in 1996; it spun-off of Murphy Oil in 2013 and is headquartered in El Dorado, AR. In 2020, the company purchased QuickChek convenience stores.

Industry is Retail Trade

Revenue is more than US$22 BILLION and employs approx. 15,000.

Traded Today @ $501.54

TTEK is Tetra Tech Inc. an American consulting and engineering service firm that specializes in services of water, environment, infrastructure, resource management, energy and international development. The roots of the company began in 1966 as Water Management Group of Tetra Tech Inc. They are headquartered in Pasadena, CA.

Industry is Professional Services

Revenue is more than US$3 BILLION and employs approx. 28,000.

Traded Today @ $208.21

company/corporation information if from google wikipedia and britannica


Spinnerette.Anagram Challenge: 08.01.24


Spinnerette.Anagram Challenge: 07.18.24