Spinnerette: 12.26.23
2 companies with 0 (zero) CHG
This week’s Spinnerette had several choices but I chose to select A CREAM TV for several reasons. Firstly, the simplistic word Cream appeared again from a previous Spinnerette that signifies the idea of Luxury/Wealth. Secondly, it gave me the opportunity to research the history of TV’s which I throughly enjoyed. Finally, the two company’s that matched the zero CHG are trading at low priced shares and I wanted to talk about why some company’s in WSJ’s “Biggest 1000 stock” listings trade this way.
Cream = Luxury/Wealth. See Blog: Spinnerette 10.26.23
TV History: Where did the transmitting of images begin and who invented the early format that has led us to todays Global Mega-Media-Mania? Philo Farnsworth is credited with the invention of the electronic television; he submitted a patent in 1927 calling it the Image Dissector. Many versions developed over the years but the idea of the TV is still broadcasting images to a screen. Before television, Radio was the medium that entertained households. Televisions were considered a Luxury. However after WWII, television popularized. During this period broadcasting was executed over air by VHF and UHF radio signals from transmitting stations, by microwave signals from orbiting satellites or by wired transmissions through Cable TV. Today analog radio transmission uses digital technology and programs can be distributed over the Internet. Yes, to quote a famous songwriter, Bob Dylan - For the times they are a-changin’
Low Stock Prices from companies that have high Revenue and Earnings may have low market capitalization even though these companies may have a large number of shares. In today’s Spinnerette the 2 companies that MTCH to zero (0) CHG have this component in common. They both are large companies valued in the BILLIONS yet they are selling low priced shares. According to https://m.economictimes.com the definition of shares is the capital of a company divided into shares. Each share forms a unit of ownership and is offered for sale so as to raise capital for the company.
AMCR is Amcor PLC a worldwide packaging company for food services, beverages, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and more. The company was founded in 1896 in Melbourne, Australia and trades on the NYSE as AMCR and on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) under the ticketer symbol - AMC. It is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. The company began as the Australian Paper Mills Company Pty Ltd. In 1986 the company was renamed Amcor Limited. The company has numerous mergers and acquisitions
Revenue is listed at US$14.7 BILLION and employ 41,000.
Traded Today @ $9.68
TEVA is an Israeli multinational company known as Teva Pharmaceutical Ltd that trades on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) and (NYSE) under the same ticketer symbol - TEVA. It was founded by Gunther Friedlander in 1901 and is headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel. The company specializes in generic drugs; it is the 18th largest pharmaceutical company in the world.
Revenue is listed at approx. US$15 BILLION and the company employs around 37,500 associates.
Traded Today @ $10.48
Company / Corporation information from Google Wikipedia