2 companies MTCH-UP with -1.38 CHG



This spinnerette blended into a sentence that at first glance was silly but as I began to dissect the combinations I realized it made an environmental stance. Therefore, it has given me an opportunity to write about our Global Footprint. Land Gem “Mad” Glen is the metaphor for Earth’s caretaker who Mangled the GlamDen. The representation of the van dubbed - GlamDen was to emulate the concept of Technology. Obviously, “Mad” Glen is in charge of destroying the items that clutter our land. This gave me the opportunity to research vehicle graveyards as well as, the movement toward the high-priced electric vehicles. Along with, the Global concerns that accompany the footprint that vehicles leave behind.

First, I wanted to investigate the vehicle graveyards/junkyards. What happens to a car after it’s no longer useful? I discovered that some get recycled but many are left to decay and create graveyards all over the world; thus becoming land polluters. Vehicles have left our environment with a quandary. We can’t live without vehicles yet they have been adding to our Global Environmental Crisis. When a vehicle is abandoned it not only leaves behind the shell of the vehicle which takes up valuable land space but also the insides of the vehicle are filled with various oils that can seep into our irreplaceable land.

Next, I wanted to learn more about Electric vehicles (EV). What is their global environmental significance? To start with, they are more energy efficient with a smaller carbon footprint; they produce no carbon dioxide emissions when driving. Consequently, Electric vehicles produce less global warming pollution and in twenty years will cut our oil use in half. However, they too will eventually make their way to the ever-challenging vehicle graveyards. In fact, as of last year China found themselves with a slue of unsold EVs which created another type of vehicle graveyard. Thus, it isn’t just about old vehicles it’s also about the unsold vehicles polluting our worldwide landscape.

The truth is that only time will tell what will happen to our Global Footprint as Environmentalists continue to work toward our sustainability. Clearly, Earth cannot grow bigger to accommodate man’s necessity to own vehicles. Unfortunately, the vehicle accumulation issues that have evolved over a century ago are taking-up precious space which has inevitably added to our Global Environmental Crisis. Perhaps that is why Land Gem “Mad” Glen is so “Mad” at Glam*Den.

ADM is Archer-Daniels-Midland Company a multinational food processing and commodities trading business began in 1902 and is headquartered in Chicago, IL. It started as a linseed crushing business by John W. Daniels in Minneapolis, MN; several years later George A. Archer joined the company and the name became Archer-Daniels Linseed Company. In 1923, Archer-Daniels acquired the Midland Linseed Company forming Archer-Daniels-Midland Comapny. In 1924, they went public and listed on the NYSE. The company has expanded over the years by making numerous worldwide acquisitions to become a multinational BILLION dollar business.

A DADDY LONGLEGS: To further companion with today’s spinnerette, ADM has been the subject of several federal lawsuits related to Air Pollution. Nonetheless, the company continues to strive toward improving their control over hazardous emissions.

ANOTHER DADDY LONGLEGS: A non-fiction book titled “The Informant” written by Journalist Kurt Eichenwald in 2000 and later a film by the same title starring Matt Damon released in 2009 focused on ADM’s 1990’s price-fixing for the animal feed additive lysine. Three ADM executives were convicted and the company paid approx. $100 million in fines.

Revenue is reported around US$101 BILLION. They employ approx. 42,000.

Traded Today @ $71.75

LEGN is Legend Biotech a global biotechnology company developing and manufacturing new cell therapies. It is a subsidiary of Genscript Biotech Corporation. The company was founded by Frank Zhang in 2014 and is headquartered in Somerset, NJ and their manufacturing facilities are in the United States, China and Belgium.

Revenue as of 2022 was approx. US$117 MILLION and they employ around 1,400.

Traded Today @ $56.55

Company/Corporation information from Google Wikipedia


Spinnerette: 01.08.24


Spinnerette: 12.26.23