Spinnerette: 06.05.24

+4.73 CHG x 3 companies = +14.19 = 1 #GRAM company +19.41



Zebra’s as stated by aboutmybrain.com, represent balance, harmony and unity. Their black and white stripes embody the yin and yang, light and darkness and good and evil. Their unique appearance has become a symbol of individuality. However…

Worldly is a human trait. It represents two categories 1. It describes an individual as sophisticated, well-educated and experienced about life and the world. 2. It is of or concerned with the material values or ordinary life rather than a spiritual existence.

Therefore, the analogy of a Zebra becoming Worldly is a contradiction because a Zebra will never experience Worldliness. But it is compelling to muse on the “what if” - a Zebra could Get Worldly.

Zebra’s evolved from equines approx. 4-4.5 million years ago in North America. Equines colonized in Afrcia and Eurasia. I was surprised to learn that the Zebra’s stripes are like human fingerprints - each Zebra has a unique strip pattern and they also have sophisticated communication skills. They have snorting signals to warn their herd and they have facial expressions such as stretching their faces forward to greet another member of their herd. They push their ears back when they feel threatened. Explained by worldanimalprotection.us.

There are 3 Zebra species: The Grévy’s Zebra (named after President Jules Grevy of the Third Republic of France after receiving a Zebra as a gift in 1882 from the King of Abyssinia - now known as Ethiopia) is the largest weighing up to 1,000 lbs. and is the most threatened. The plains Zebra and the mountain Zebra weigh less. Note: The mountain Zebra is considered endangered. They have a population of approx. 9,000.

A Daddy Longlegs: There is an estimated 600 Grévy’s Zebras in captivity.

The companies that created Today’s Spinnerette.Anagram are:

TYL is Tyler Technologies Inc. that trades on the NYSE. The company has been in the Software Industry since 1966. It was founded by Joseph F. McKinney as Saturn Industries after buying 3 government companies from the conglomerate Ling-Temco-Vought. In 1998, (formerly Tyler Corporation) entered the government software market and in 1999 changed its name to Tyler Technologies. Since than the company has acquired numerous acquisitions in the United States and Canada. It is headquartered in Plano, TX

Revenue is nearing US$2 BILLION and employs approx. 7,200.

Traded Today @ $483.83

OLED is Universal Display Corporation trading on the NASDAQ. The company develops and manufactures and researches organic light emitting diodes (OLED). OLED’s are used to create digital displays in devices such as television screens, computer monitors as well as smartphones and handheld game consoles. The company began in 1994 and is headquartered in Ewing, NJ.

Revenue is nearing US$159.5 MILLION and employs approx. 450.

Traded Today @ $182.31

ZBRA is Zebra Technologies Corporation that trades on the NASDAQ. The company was founded by Ed Kaplan and Gerhard Cless in 1969 as Data Specialties Incorporated and in 1986 became Zebra Technologies Corporation. Over the years, numerous acquisitions followed. They began trading publicly in 1991. The Industry is listed under Computer hardware, Manufacturing, Retail, Health care, Transportation and Logistics.

Revenue is nearing US$4.60 BILLION and employs approx. 9,750.

Traded Today @ $307.50

GWRE is Guidewire Software, Inc. that trades on the NYSE. The company was founded by Marcus Ryu, John Seybold, Ken Branson, John Raguin, James Kwak and Mark Shaw in 2001. The Industry is listed under P&C (property and casualty) Insurance Software. The company’s headquarters is in San Mateo, CA.

Revenue is near US$813 MILLION and employs approx. 2,942

Traded Today @ $127.46

company/corporation information is from Google Wikipedia and Britannica

Spinnerette.Anagram Challenge: 06.10.24


Spinnerette: 05.21.24