3 companies #MTCH

DASH (-1.38) + LOGI (-1.38) + UBER (-1.38)


What is HUI?

According to the American / English Dictionaries the Etymology of Hui is Hawaiian and refers to a club or association. Other definitions include a conference, meeting, or other gatherings and informally a party. It is also an acronym for Human User Interface. But more interesting was learning that HUI was an indexed (unhedged) of Gold Stocks. A popular chart utilized to compare the price of Gold.

Also keep in mind, we are currently in a Bear Market which represents a slowing economy; Gold is considered a “safe-haven” asset that serves as a hedge against the declining value of currencies through inflation. For example, when investments such as stocks and bonds falter, gold has a tendency to outperform. As always, I am delighted to MTCH the anagram to the Stock Market.

DASH is DoorDash an international online food ordering and food delivery service that started in 2012 in Palo Alto, CA and is now headquartered in San Francisco, CA. The founders were Stanford University students Tony Xu, Andy Fang, Stanley Tang, Evan Moore. DoorDash was earlier known as PaloAltoDelivery.com. The company’s acquisitions over the years include: Caviar, Scotty Labs, Chowbotics, and Wolt. By the end of 2020, the company went public trading on NYSE but by 2023 they transferred their stock listing to Nasdaq. DoorDash employs somewhere in the neighborhood of 16,000 with their revenue has been reported to be approx. US$6.5 BILLION.

A DADDY LONGLEGS: DoorDash utilizes an algorithm that selects the best delivery route.

Traded Today @ $74.50

LOGI is Logitech International a Swiss Company that is a multinational manufacturer of computer peripherals and software headquartered in Lausannne, Switzerland. The company’s origin began in Apples, Switzerland in 1982 founded by Daniel Borel, Pierluigi Zappacosta and Giacomo Marini. They trade as LOGN on SIX (the Swiss Exchange) and LOGI on the Nasdaq. Their Revenue is reported to be over US$5 BILLION employing over 8,000.

Traded Today @ $70.79

UBER is Uber Technologies, Inc. They company wears several hats as a taxi, food delivery and freight transport service which began in 2009 by founders Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick in San Francisco, CA. The company expanded internationally and went public in 2019 on the NYSE and currently employs approx. 33,000. Their revenue lists close to US$32 BILLION.

Traded Today @ $43.00


